Thursday, September 22, 2011

Here is a picture from our Monday night Car Tagging and T-shirt party!

Car Tagging and T-shirts!

Well.. we made it though Work Crew Weekend! We had a great time, a lot of hard work but a lot of fun and great memories being made! I was dinning hall boss for the first time which was something I am not sure I want to do again haha. Lets just say a lot of these awesome kids need some motivation to do something plus Young Life camps have a very particular way of doing things. I am glad I got to experience it and it was a great way for me to rely on God even more!

So on Monday we had our Car Tagging and T-shirt party in the school parking lot. It was so MUCH fun!  We had about 45-50 kids out and we ran out of all of our shirts! We played a huge game of partner tag, had corn-hole out, music blaring, shared with them every one that we want at club, and ended with a dance party, and Car tagging!

The kids have been pumped all week and keep telling us that everyone is so excited for club to start next week. They think we will have about 80 or more people for our first club of the semester!

It has just been amazing to see God work in that school! -Its just simply amazing!

Prayers Please...

  • for all the new kids coming to YL
  • Our Golf Tournament is coming up in a couple of weeks
  • We are having our first small group meetings tomorrow morning
  • My stress level : / -- that I turn to God in my busy days.
Thanks Everyone!

PS. Post comments if you have questions or want to share anything with me!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Start of a New Year!

It is a start of a new year-- how exciting, yet can be kind of stressful (could use some prayers)

I forgot to mention this before but my co-leaders are Mark and Joe. Mark and I have been leading together for the last 2 1/2 years and Joe just got placed at SCSS last spring! They are both awesome and it is so cool to see them with all of our SC boys!

But back to the start of the year! We are so excited to see what God has planned for this coming semester and from the few planning meetings and pre club meetings I can already see somethings moving.

Two weeks ago we had our annual Prayer at the Pole. We had about 10 kids and 10 adults from the school and area come meet us at the flag pole in front of SC to pray the day before school started. After that we meet up with the other two clubs and all of our student leaders to plan out the semester! I just love spending time with all these kids and hearing their passion for sharing Christ in their schools! It is also nice know we have all of our clubs planned and that our kids have some ownership of them!

That Wednesday we had our first Student Leaders meeting with our juniors and seniors. These are our rockstar kids that are on fire for God and want to share that with the school! Since we planned our clubs already, this meeting we use to see how they are doing with God and how we can be praying for them and also help them share Christ with their friends.

Campaigners! So... we were suppose to have our first one last week but Fairfax schools had a "rain day" because of flooding! That rain was crazy here! We now have our first campaigners tomorrow morning before school in one of our teachers class rooms! I am teaching the lesson on Putting Jesus First, hopefully it will go well! : )

This last Monday we had our Junior/Senior Meeting where we invited any junior or senior that has been to club or just loves YL and wants to see their friends come out. We set a vision for them and run through the "whys" of club and then read the first YL club story from Dance, Children Dance. I feel like each week we get closer to our first club (Sept. 26) kids get more and more excited!

We also head out to Rockbridge tomorrow night for a work crew weekend! We have about 45 kids and leaders from our area (our area is 3 schools- South County, West Springfield & Robinson) It is so cool to see these kids so so excited to be with each other and serve Christ for a weekend!

Thats it for this week!

So I am going to try to post once a week (wed. or thurs.) to keep you all updated!

Again Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!


Welcome to my new Blog!!

So I am going to use this page as a way to keep everyone up to date on my adventure on Young Life student staff in Central Fairfax, VA.

I am going on my second year and loved my first year! It gave me the ability to spend the time I wanted getting to know kids better while still being a student and paying those few bills that have started as I started to grow up ( scary!)

ps. Please excuse any spelling and grammer-- not my best skill! : )

Recap of last year...

In the last year we have seen South County ( the school I lead at) grow tremendously! Our clubs have about 30-40 kids (which is a huge difference) and we have a solid group of senior leaders.
And the big news was that we finally took kids to camp this last summer and it may have been one of my favorite trips so far!

We had 17 kids come with us to Timber Wolf Lake up in Michigan-- Longest bus ride ever! We came back with 5 kids who excepted Christ, a bunch that said they grew a lot closer to Him, and a couple that still had some questions but want to find the answers! My favorite thing I heard was from a parent at our post camp party and she said... "My son got off that bus a completely different kid- for the better!" God really moved on the trip!

South County YL

South County YL
banquet night at camp